ArgParser Documentation


This module provides an Argument Parser that does not require registration. It uses a weak type and casts depending to the context and thus removes manual casting. It's further possible to merge different Argument Parsers with different policies.


The following syntax is legal for this argument parser.

free arguments

aka positional arguments / unnamed arguments

  • any combination of characters as long as they don't start with - and do not contain =

named arguments

Note: val has the same constrains as the free arguments

  • key=val note that there is no white-space between the key, = and val
  • key=-val one way to set negative values
  • --key val
  • --key=val, --key=-val
  • -k val if the key k only has one character
  • -k=val, -k=-val
  • -kval, -k-val alternative notation for k=val, k=-val


  • --flag
  • -f if f is only one character long


  • a valid command line is build by the above syntax, separated by white-space, i.e:
    free0 free1 --flag -f key=10
  • it is not possible to have negative values as free arguments
  • it is not allowed to have a flag and named argument with the same name, since there is no registration.

Example Parsing

This example shows the basic parsing and access to the arguments once parsed.

#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
fsc::ArgParser ap(argc, argv);// creates an ArgParser and
// parses the command line
ap.parse_file("cline.txt"); // reads cline.txt and parses the content
// an already set argument will be overwritten
ap["n"]; // get the named argument "n" if set,
// otherwise a std::runtime_error is thrown
ap.def("n", 10); // set named argument "n" to 10
// if "n" is not already set
int n = ap.get("n", 10); // get named argument "n" if set, otherwise 10
std::cout << n << std::endl;
ap.is_set("f"); // true if "f" is a flag or named argument
ap[0]; // get free argument at position 0,
// or std::runtime_error if not set
ap.is_set(1); // true if there is a free argument at pos 1
ap.freeargc(); // returns the number of free arguments
ap.cwd(); // return the cwd
ap.pwd(); // return the pwd
ap.progname(); // return the name of the binary
std::cout << ap << std::endl; // print the ArgParser
return 0;

Weak Type Usage

Here one can see the automatic casting abilities of the weak type used by the ArgParser.

#include <iostream>
int main() {
fsc::ArgParser ap("--mcs 20 --type=sim --slow -n0.2 free0");
std::string type = ap["type"]; // will be cast to a string
auto mcs = ap["mcs"]; // mcs is a weak type
int mcs_int = mcs; // automatic cast via context
mcs = " now I'm a string"; // can change type on the fly
std::string mcs_string(mcs); // automatic correct cast
// int mcs_int2(mcs); // this would now fail with a runtime error
double x = ap["n"] * ap["mcs"]; // basic operations (+ - * /) are supported
// where it makes sense
std::string free = "";
free += ap[0];
free += mcs_string;
std::cout << type << std::endl;
std::cout << mcs_int << std::endl;
std::cout << x << std::endl;
std::cout << free << std::endl;
return 0;