#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
fsc::ArgParser ap(argc, argv);// creates an ArgParser and
// parses the command line
ap.parse_file("cline.txt"); // reads cline.txt and parses the content
// an already set argument will be overwritten
ap["n"]; // get the named argument "n" if set,
// otherwise a std::runtime_error is thrown
ap.def("n", 10); // set named argument "n" to 10
// if "n" is not already set
int n = ap.get("n", 10); // get named argument "n" if set, otherwise 10
std::cout << n << std::endl;
ap.is_set("f"); // true if "f" is a flag or named argument
ap[0]; // get free argument at position 0,
// or std::runtime_error if not set
ap.is_set(1); // true if there is a free argument at pos 1
ap.freeargc(); // returns the number of free arguments
ap.cwd(); // return the cwd
ap.pwd(); // return the pwd
ap.progname(); // return the name of the binary
std::cout << ap << std::endl; // print the ArgParser
return 0;