* Demonstration of DebugPrinter advanced functionality.
* Recommended: wide terminal window.
* Compile with -O0 to prevent inlining of functions.
* Compile with -rdynamic to get function names.
//~ #define DEBUGPRINTER_OFF // optional to turn off the DebugPrinter
//~ #define DEBUGPRINTER_NO_EXECINFO // optional to turn off dout_FUNC/STACK
//~ #define DEBUGPRINTER_NO_CXXABI // optional to turn off name demangling
//~ #define DEBUGPRINTER_NO_SIGNALS // optional to turn off crash report
#include <fstream> // for file I/O
using fsc::dout; // saves some typing
int main() {
dout << "Normal printing." << std::endl;
dout, "And ", 4, " more words.", std::endl; // comma syntax
(dout << '0', 0) << "0", std::endl; // cave: remember precedence of
// operators: << before ,
bool write_file = true;
if(write_file) {
std::ofstream fs("debug.log");
dout = std::move(fs); // pass responsibility for file handling
dout.set_color(); // don't write color escape code to file
dout, "Writing to file from any C++ scope.", std::endl;
dout_HERE // this goes into the file
dout = std::cerr; // set to cerr (default: std::cout)
dout.set_color("1;34"); // default red output maybe too... red
dout("highlighted text"); // operator() variations
dout("label", "text"); // they take anything with ostream op<<
dout("label", "text", " separator ");
dout.set_precision(13); // increase precision
dout, 0., std::endl;
dout.stack(100, false, 0); // show complete libc stack
return 0;